
Wednesday, December 9, 2015

15 Items on a Divorce Checklist

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For people looking for oakland county lawyers, it's possible that divorce is on their minds. One of the major concerns of couples going through divorce is the ability to provide all the documents needed right away, so they don't have to worry about the divorce going slowly because of missing paperwork. Divorces can be very complicated. Legally, there are many documents that need to be filled out, court dates to attend, and arrangements to be made. Personally, emotions tend to run high during a divorce, making it a strain for those involved. Something that can help is having a checklist of items that people should bring to a divorce attorney, so they have everything they need to get the divorce moving smoothly.

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A Divorce Checklist Here is a list of 15 items that each party should give to his or her attorney. There may be more or less that can be brought, so speaking with the attorney directly and asking which documents they need is preferred. Start by bringing an individual tax return. The attorney may need the spouse's return as well, so the assets of the marriage can be properly calculated. Trust information. Are there any trusts held by either party? Stock options information.

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Credit card statements. It's not just money and investments that get split in divorce, debts are also divided. Bank statements. These statements show how much money the couple has saved or going out each month. Property tax information. Benefits statements. Benefits can sometimes be split during a divorce, depending on the type. A list of personal property. This list should be exhaustive. Things like clothing, jewelry, fur, office equipment, artwork, and other goods should be listed. Property appraisals. Loan documents, so the court can identify who is in charge of mortgages or student loan debt or if it is a shared debt.

Living wills and wills need to be brought to the office, because they may need to be changed or addressed during divorce. A list of property owned before the marriage by each spouse can be helpful when deciding on how to split assets.

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A list of contents in any safety deposit boxes is vital for asset division. Inheritances. Life insurance policy information.

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