Oakland County has several laws stipulated under the Michigan State and federal laws. Oakland County lawyers help citizens in interpreting and understanding major laws and their implications if those laws are broken. They also represent persons charged with various crimes in court. Theft related crimes, marijuana related crimes and drunk driving crimes are among the most common crimes in Oakland.
Under this category, crimes are categorized into petty theft laws, shoplifting laws and embezzlement laws. One is considered to have committed larceny if they steal money, goods, public records or property. Theft is defined as the act of taking someone else’s property without their consent.
Theft is considered a misdemeanor or felony depending on the value of the stolen goods or property. Theft of goods whose value is below $200 is considered petty theft, a misdemeanor punishable by not more than $500 fines or repaying the value of the stolen goods three fold or imprisonment for up to 93 days.
Stealing goods worth more than $200 but less than $100 is a second degree misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment or up to $2000 in fines or repaying thrice the value of goods.
Theft of goods whose value exceeds $1000 (including motor vehicles, real estate property or hiking the price of goods by $1000) is considered a felony which is punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment and up to $10000 fines. Stealing goods worth $20000 and above attracts up to 10 years of imprisonment and hefty fines.
Marijuana Laws
Oakland allows medical consumption of marijuana. It is considered an offense to drive under the influence of marijuana whether for medical purposes or otherwise. Non medical possession or use of marijuana attracts up to $2000 fines or up to one year jail term. Possession of marijuana paraphernalia can lead up to 90 days imprisonment.
Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)
Operating While Intoxicated (OWI)
OWI is commonly referred to as DUI (Driving Under Influence) crimes in others states. Oakland County has zero tolerance for drunk driving for persons under the age of 21. Individuals above the age of 21 must not exceed a BAC of 0.08% and 0.04% if operating a commercial vehicle. Individuals are required to voluntarily submit to the BAC test. Refusal to take the test can cause license suspension for up to 5 years, depending on whether it is a first, second or third offense.
A first time OWI offense in Oakland is considered a misdemeanor unless it involved a deadly accident, in which case it is treated as a felony. Most OWI charges in Oakland County result to loss of driving privileges for a given time.
If one is accused with OWI, Oakland County lawyers specializing in OWI charges can plea bargain for fewer charges. In most cases, a plea bargain is awarded for reckless driving which is a lesser charge and hence, attracts lesser penalties. To be on the safe side, one shouldn’t drink and drive.
Being charged with a crime in Oakland can significantly taint an individual’s public image. The record shows up in background checks making it hard for one to access employment or college vacancies. Oakland County lawyers work with the accused to build a strong defense case or file for offense record sealing.
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