Criminal defendants who do not wish to rely on professional legal assistance provided by an experienced attorney can decide to represent themselves in court. Their choice could be influenced by multiple factors, including a precarious financial situation or (often misguided) personal beliefs.
Why Do Certain Defendants Go In Favor of Self-Representation?
Reasons Why Hiring a Seasoned Oakland County Criminal Defense Attorney Is the Best Option for Any Defendant
As points out, defendants who choose to represent themselves in court usually lower their odds of success simply because they are not properly trained to defend their best interests in court. They are unfamiliar with the legal framework that a lawyer would rely on to prove their innocence; not to mention that they don’t know the protocol that they must follow to support their cause, like entering evidence or making objections.
Lack of knowledge on these matters can stop them from winning a case. Moreover, poor communication and persuasion, influencing and negotiating skills are other important limitations that could make it difficult for any defendant to win his or her own battle in court. Last but not least, the problem of bias is one other drawback of self-representation. Defendants may have a hard time building a compelling case as long as they cannot present facts in an objective manner and support fair arguments in front of the jury. All these reasons underline the importance of quality legal representation and give defendants a few more reasons to hire the best Oakland County lawyers that they can afford.